Nov 2017–Mar 2020

Idea, story, concept, game design, UI/UX, illustration, 3D modeling and animation, VFX, music and SFX for a location-based MMORPG featuring virtual companions and collectible cards. More than 2 years making a game that would be a modern sweet echo to the brilliant games of 90s and early 2000s.

Nov 2017–Mar 2020

Idea, story, concept, game design, UI/UX, illustration, 3D modeling and animation, VFX, music and SFX for a location-based MMORPG featuring virtual companions and collectible cards. More than 2 years making a game that would be a modern sweet echo to the brilliant games of 90s and early 2000s.

Play Store

Download at Play Store.

App Store

Download at App Store.

The Story

“Is it hard to develop a MMORPG?”


Amazing Creatures features an animated logotype mostly used at the game app. There is also a simple text version, which is used at the game website.


Every creative asset at the game went through numerous iterations and sketches. Creatures are the game’s heart and soul. It took a few months to reach great visual concept and looks. Below is a fast-forwarded creative process for a couple of entry-tier Creatures.

A Creature Is Born!

October 2018
October 2018

Cards and Battle Mode (Clash) went through three major concept changes. The visuals started as simply “animal cards”, evolved into “magical animals” and—finally—transformed into enigmatic Creature Cards (or Clash Cards). The battleground (Clash Board) artistic style echoes other gameplay elements—Artifacts, Runes and Magistones (the Elements).

Artifacts and Runes

Artifacts and Runes are the “hot” items players can use. Artifacts affect stats and traits of players and Creatures, Key Artifacts provide Tips and Quests. Runes provide strategic advantage at Battle Mode, they make Cards more rare, powerful and expensive.


The first four Magistones are the manifestations of Nature Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Terra. The two final Magistones represent non-elemental forces: Holy and Darkness.


Powers (Abilities) are the “spells” a Creature can cast upon itself, or upon its host (the player). There were three different concepts for Powers.

Concept 1

A Power Card which can be “fused” into Creature, or used at Battle Mode.

Concept 2

A Power Card which can be used at Battle Mode only, granting special effects influencing players.

Concept 3 (approved)

Powers are “sleeping” inside Magistones until the latter is fused into a Creature. Magistones grant Powers to Creatures, which in turn enable players to use them.


Achievements are in-game unlock-ables that players trigger upon completing certain quest, action or a series of quests/actions.


Mirages are the special Locations where Creatures feel themselves at home. A Mirage is a projection of another dimension’s homeland, the land beyond The Rift. Below is the fast forwarded creative process for a Mirage.

Gameplay Modes

There are three Gameplay Modes players can experience at Amazing Creatures. Each Gameplay Mode went through countless UI/UX and flow iterations and improvements. Below you will find the initial/mid-way design for each gameplay intro screen, then followed by the final production-ready design.


Keeping a Creature happy. A pet simulator.


Interacting with other players on a world map. Location-based adventure.


PvP. Challenging other players to a game of cards.

Roam Process

Below is one of the core Gameplay Modes—Roam Mode. See how a simple concept gradually transformed into a production-ready design over a few months.

Making it happen in three simple steps.

Musicbox Login Screen

New players log in to Amazing Creatures via creating their own Portal. Players play a Runes Sequence and this resonates with The Rift opening a new Portal.

The Evolution Of Everything

Below is a series of short videos illustrating what kind of refinement was required to go from a mockup to a fine looking release-ready game.

Amazing Creatures, the game

The gameplay video that’s worth a thousand words.

Amazing Creatures, the voice

A stunning graphic website for an amazing game.

Key arts
Marketing visuals

Preview images for Google Play Store and social media networks.

Creative Direction, Design, Development

Pavel Pekanov


Chasing Dreams Games

© 2004–2020
